Find Your Best Helmet ~3 tips to take~


These days, people have been more aware of the necessity of bicycle helmets in Japan due to the increase of traffic accidents.

The Road Traffic Law has been amended and the government encourage people who ride a bicycle to wear helmets. At this moment, there’s no penalty but only obligation to make the best efforts.

Looking at this current situation, there would be no doubt that the complete duty of wearing helmets would come into effect in near future.

But still, less people wear helmets when they ride bikes.

How come?

Commuting riders might not like the look or feeling of wearing helmets, especially women.

This has been an social issues for years.

Here is the data showing the ratio of wearing helmets in Japan.



Aichi where our company is no.23 which shows 7.8%.

Considering the average in Japan is 13.5%, 7.8% seems too low.

How about your country or area?

Do you think people ride their bikes safely and all the mobilities are ridden or driven with their rules?


Today, I’d like to share three tips to find your best helmet.

I hope they will help you and be one of the solutions for this social issue.



★Check the certification!

Choose the helmet which has the specific certification to proof their safety.

We have SG and JCF in Japan.


You might be able to find one in where you live.



★Never forget fitting!

Every person has a different shape of head.

The feeling of helmet gives a great difference for riding quality.

That’s why you should try and wear helmets before you purchase.

Also wearing the right sized helmet to avoid to get injured hard.


As you can see, Westerns and Asians have totally different shape of head.

It is also necessary to take it consider to choose helmets.

(The left is for Westerns, the right is for Asians.)


The looks and colors and also important.

It would often happen that you don’t like the one when you actually wear it which you liked online shop.

To the opposite, it would happen that the color you don’t really like suits you a lot.

Your color of skin, hair, or clothes, many other different factors will decide what the best is

It would be fun to explore what fits you the best.


★Take advantage of the subsidy!

Let’s take advantage of the subsidy!

With the start of mandatory helmet wearing, more and more areas are offering subsidies for helmet purchases.

You may be able to find one in your area.

Let’s lower the hurdle to purchase a helmet by taking advantage of this subsidy!

Ex.) Subsidy for purchase in Aichi prefecture


Why don’t you drop by a bicycle shop next weekend?