
Visited Frankfurt for EUROBIKE 2023.


Main purpose for this trip are ;

-to meet up with our clients

-to explore interesting new products


It had been a long time since we directly met our clients last time.

Also, we could meet our new clients who started business together during the pandemic for the first time.

It strongly made us feel our corporative relationship more.




When it comes to the displayed products, every single ones was unique and sophisticated. (Unfortunately we cannot show any photos here.)


E-bikes have been continuously featured a lot.

There were nice and fun components displyed, which was for more customization.

We always got running out of time to explore all the interesting items.




We could find these beautiful places where was so close by the city.

Nice to ride a bike. Nice to walk around.

Wish we have similar places more in Japan.

As usual, this annual visit Frunkfurt greatly inspired our ideas for improving our services.