Importation of Food in Japan


When exporting food to Japan, you have to be aware of some specific regulations.

To except the regulations and tap into Japanese market, it is mandatory for importer to apply for Notification Form for Importation of Foods.



Let me simply introduce and break down an application flow.

preparation for import notification form

Quarantine Station

Inspection by quarantine station

Certification of Notification



To be honest, this step will take the biggest time in a whole process.

Inquiring the Japanese authorities before importing isn’t mandatory. But we strongly encourage you and importer to reach out to the quarantine station and have a prior consultation. Importers need to submit certification and documentation which filled out as exactly required. It’s better to be aware that you will disclose so many details regarding your products.



When the cargo arrives by ship or by air, it’ll be transported into a designated bonded area. The importer has to submit the import notification to the appropriate quarantine station.



Quarantine station examines the submitted paper work and verify whether an inspection required.



Quarantine station issues Certification of Notification to the importer.

Declaring with the certification, the product successfully enters in Japanese food and beverage market.


Product which required the certification

(1) Food itself

(2) Food additives

(3) tools and production machines which direct contact with food

(4) Containers and packaging

(5) Toys designated by the Minister of Health, Labor and Welfare (so-called “toys for infants”)



Shall we look at a form?


Oh, who loves this type of paper work?

Now you don’t have to get worried too much.

We’d be honored to help you to get this done and explore Japanese market.


Feel free to reach us out.

Leave it to us.