Effective use of EPA


In trading, goods are subject to import tariff and it often can be a concern for buyers.

However, by utilizing EPAs, it is possible to reduce or eliminate this tariff rate.


Do you know what an EPA is?

“EPA” is an abbreviation for “Economic Partnership Agreement.

It is a “treaty” that promises various details to promote trade and investment between certain countries and regions.”

https://www.customs.go.jp/english/epa/files/procedure.htm (Japan Custom)


Feel it difficult and confusing?

Making it simple, they are “agreements that are beneficial to both economies.

Reduced tariff rates and tax exemptions are one of those agreements.




Japan has EPA agreements with various different countries and regions.



(You can see the colored countries in the maps.)

(Dec. 2021)


Kozaki has experiences in using the EPA for both exports and imports.

The Japanese government also recommends the effective use of this system, which allows both buyers and sellers to be proactive in buying and selling.


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